Summary Period: 2003-05-15 to 2004-05-05
Total Lines Of Code:
1108 (2004-05-13)
User | Changes | Lines of code | Lines each change |
pavelpar | 87 (100.0%) | 1344 (100.0%) | 15 |
Sum | 87 (100%) | 1344 (100%) | 15 |
pavelpar 5/5/04 11:32 PM |
bugfixes |
2 lines of code changed in: core/synch/CondVar.cpp (+2 -1) | |
pavelpar 1/18/04 3:34 PM |
attempt to reduce compile-time dependencies |
16 lines of code changed in: core/synch: CondVar.cpp (+2), CondVar.h (-2), Lock.cpp (+2), Lock.h (-2), ReadWriteLock.cpp (+2), ReadWriteLock.h (-2), RecursiveLock.cpp (+2), RecursiveLock.h (-2), ScopeLock.cpp (+4 -2), ScopeLock.h (-1), ScopeReadLock.cpp (+2), ScopeReadLock.h (-1), ScopeWriteLock.cpp (+2), ScopeWriteLock.h (-1), Semaphore.h (-1) | |
pavelpar 1/18/04 10:22 AM |
throw clause removed from sources in src/core and src/core/synch |
81 lines of code changed in: core/synch: CondVar.cpp (+7 -7), CondVar.h (+14 -15), Lock.cpp (+4 -4), Lock.h (+8 -8), ReadWriteLock.cpp (+4 -4), ReadWriteLock.h (+8 -8), RecursiveLock.cpp (+4 -4), RecursiveLock.h (+8 -7), ScopeLock.cpp (+1 -1), ScopeLock.h (+2 -2), ScopeReadLock.cpp (+1 -1), ScopeReadLock.h (+2 -2), ScopeWriteLock.cpp (+1 -1), ScopeWriteLock.h (+2 -1), Semaphore.cpp (+5 -5), Semaphore.h (+10 -7) | |
pavelpar 1/17/04 11:38 PM |
reduction diet for exceptions is completed |
119 lines of code changed in: core/synch: CondVar.cpp (+29 -29), CondVar.h (+7 -8), Lock.cpp (+16 -16), Lock.h (+5 -5), ReadWriteLock.cpp (+11 -11), ReadWriteLock.h (+5 -5), RecursiveLock.cpp (+16 -16), RecursiveLock.h (+5 -5), ScopeLock.cpp (+2 -2), ScopeLock.h (+2 -2), ScopeReadLock.cpp (+3 -3), ScopeReadLock.h (+2 -2), ScopeWriteLock.cpp (+3 -3), ScopeWriteLock.h (+2 -2), Semaphore.cpp (+5 -5), Semaphore.h (+6 -6) | |
pavelpar 12/29/03 5:57 PM |
small change in target clean |
1 lines of code changed in: core/synch/Makefile (+1 -1) | |
pavelpar 12/28/03 8:46 PM |
small changes in Makefiles |
1 lines of code changed in: core/synch/Makefile (+1) | |
pavelpar 9/30/03 7:17 AM |
more variables added |
2 lines of code changed in: core/synch/Makefile (+2 -2) | |
pavelpar 9/22/03 10:57 PM |
bug in thread cancellation fixed |
1 lines of code changed in: core/synch/ReadWriteLock.cpp (+1 -1) | |
pavelpar 9/21/03 10:54 AM |
test program for thread manager and message queue added |
2 lines of code changed in: core/synch/CondVar.h (+2 -2) | |
pavelpar 9/14/03 1:54 PM |
some files added and lot of bugs fixed |
11 lines of code changed in: core/synch: CondVar.cpp (+5 -3), Lock.cpp (+3 -2), RecursiveLock.cpp (+3 -2) | |
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