Summary Period: 2003-11-18 to 2003-09-11 (Commits 95-194 of 794)
pavel_o 11/18/03 8:16 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
20 lines of code changed in: tx: JournalManagerImpl.cpp (+1 -1), LockMngrMGL.h (+13 -4), LockMngrS2PL.h (+6 -2) | |
pavel_o 11/18/03 7:22 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
14 lines of code changed in: tx/LockMngrS2PL.h (+14 -3) | |
pavelpar 11/16/03 9:06 AM |
small changes to testLockS2PL |
79 lines of code changed in: test/testLockS2PL.cpp (+79 -59) | |
pavelpar 11/16/03 12:49 AM |
testing of LockMngrS2PL |
31 lines of code changed in: test: testJournal.cpp (+11), testLockS2PL.cpp (+20) | |
pavelpar 11/15/03 4:40 PM |
testLockS2PL added |
206 lines of code changed in: test: Makefile (+4 -1), (+1), testLockS2PL.cpp (new 201) | |
pavelpar 11/14/03 11:10 PM |
small change |
11 lines of code changed in: test/testJournal.cpp (+11) | |
pavelpar 11/14/03 9:19 PM |
testJournal really added |
228 lines of code changed in: test/testJournal.cpp (new 228) | |
pavelpar 11/14/03 9:04 PM |
testJournal added |
28 lines of code changed in: test: Makefile (+4 -1), install.cpp (+13), (+1) tx: JournalFile.cpp (+4 -4), RecoveryManagerImpl.cpp (+6) | |
pavelpar 11/14/03 10:19 AM |
implementation of RecoveryManager completed |
93 lines of code changed in: tx/RecoveryManagerImpl.cpp (+93 -23) | |
pavelpar 11/13/03 9:44 PM |
implementation of DocGroupMngr and ResourceMngr completed |
319 lines of code changed in: tx/NodeAncestors.h (+21 -1) storage: DocGroupManagerImpl.cpp (+115 -45), GroupFile.h (+54 -1), ResourceManager.h (+3 -6), ResourceManagerImpl.cpp (+51 -36), ResourceManagerImpl.h (+3 -3), StorageManager.h (+17), StorageManagerImpl.cpp (+51), StorageManagerImpl.h (+4) | |
pavelpar 11/13/03 7:01 PM |
bugfix |
21 lines of code changed in: storage/StorageTypes.h (+20 -6), tx/LockMngrS2PL.h (+1 -3) | |
pavelpar 11/13/03 9:30 AM |
small changes |
13 lines of code changed in: server/Makefile (+1 -1) test: Makefile (+4 -6), (+8 -8) | |
pavel_o 11/13/03 12:18 AM |
*** empty log message *** |
8 lines of code changed in: tx: LockMngrMGL.h (+3 -3), LockMngrS2PL.h (+5 -3) | |
pavelpar 11/12/03 9:28 PM |
instances of JournalMngr, RecoveryMngr, TransactionMngr and LockMngrs are created in xstore_init from now on |
176 lines of code changed in: xstore.cpp (+39 -9), xstore.h (+8), storage/StorageTypes.h (+64) tx: RecoveryManagerImpl.cpp (+16 -6), TransactionManagerImpl.cpp (+10 -2) util: ObjectFactory.cpp (+21), ObjectFactory.h (+18) | |
pavelpar 11/11/03 9:32 PM |
getSize() added |
5 lines of code changed in: tx/NodeAncestors.h (+5) | |
pavel_o 11/11/03 9:06 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
77 lines of code changed in: tx: JournalManagerImpl.cpp (+71), JournalManagerImpl.h (+6) | |
pavelpar 11/11/03 7:46 AM |
rename of test files |
1306 lines of code changed in: test: Makefile (+8 -8), test1.cpp (del), test2.cpp (del), test3.cpp (del), test4.cpp (del), test5.cpp (del), test6.cpp (del), test7.cpp (del), testABTree.cpp (new 229), testBase64.cpp (new 182), testConf.cpp (new 68), testLog.cpp (new 63), testStorage.cpp (new 378), testStrConv.cpp (new 203), testThread.cpp (new 175) | |
pavel_o 11/10/03 8:46 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
2 lines of code changed in: tx/LockMngrS2PL.h (+2 -2) | |
pavel_o 11/10/03 12:42 AM |
*** empty log message *** |
255 lines of code changed in: tx: LockMngrMGL.h (+174 -35), LockMngrS2PL.h (+81 -22) | |
pavelpar 11/8/03 8:26 PM |
some character encoding issues solved |
1 lines of code changed in: server/ThreadPool.cpp (+1) | |
pavel_o 11/2/03 8:53 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
268 lines of code changed in: tx: InvalidTxLockType.h (+2 -2), JournalFile.cpp (+4 -2), LockMngrMGL.cpp (del), LockMngrMGL.h (+82 -1), LockMngrS2PL.cpp (del), LockMngrS2PL.h (+157 -3), TxTypes.h (+23 -6) | |
uid94180 10/23/03 8:35 PM |
various bugfixes |
6 lines of code changed in: tx/JournalFile.cpp (+3 -3) storage: StorageManagerImpl.cpp (+1), StorageTypes.h (+2 -2) | |
pavel_o 10/22/03 11:56 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
14 lines of code changed in: tx: LockMngrMGL.cpp (new 0), LockMngrMGL.h (+12 -1), NodeAncestors.h (+2) | |
pavel_o 10/22/03 11:29 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
60 lines of code changed in: tx: InvalidTransactionId.h (+1 -1), InvalidTxLockType.h (new 45), LockMngrMGL.h (+1 -1), LockMngrS2PL.cpp (new 0), LockMngrS2PL.h (+13 -1) | |
pavel_o 10/21/03 2:07 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
3 lines of code changed in: tx/JournalFile.cpp (+3 -3) | |
pavel_o 10/19/03 9:34 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
5 lines of code changed in: tx: JournalFile.cpp (+3 -5), JournalManagerImpl.cpp (+2 -2) | |
pavelpar 10/17/03 8:27 PM |
notes on locking updated |
2 lines of code changed in: tx: LockMngrMGL.h (+1 -1), LockMngrS2PL.h (+1 -1) | |
pavel_o 10/16/03 9:54 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
199 lines of code changed in: tx: JournalFile.cpp (+128 -32), JournalFile.h (+3 -1), JournalManagerImpl.cpp (+63 -28), JournalManagerImpl.h (+5) | |
pavelpar 10/16/03 8:34 PM |
interface for generic lock managers added |
88 lines of code changed in: tx: LockManager.h (del), LockMngrMGL.h (new 42), LockMngrS2PL.h (new 39), TxTypes.h (+7 -2) | |
pavelpar 10/10/03 6:27 PM |
some small changes |
104 lines of code changed in: tx/NodeAncestors.h (new 94) storage: ResourceManager.h (+4 -4), ResourceManagerImpl.cpp (+3 -3), ResourceManagerImpl.h (+3 -3) | |
pavelpar 10/10/03 5:34 PM |
removal |
0 lines of code changed in: storage/NodeAncestors.h (del) | |
pavel_o 10/9/03 10:02 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
408 lines of code changed in: tx: JournalFile.cpp (+274 -74), JournalFile.h (+17 -30), JournalManagerImpl.cpp (+112 -34), JournalManagerImpl.h (+5) | |
pavelpar 10/8/03 8:07 PM |
small changes |
1 lines of code changed in: server/ThreadPool.cpp (+1 -1) | |
pavel_o 10/8/03 4:18 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
250 lines of code changed in: tx: JournalFile.cpp (+23 -13), JournalFile.h (+31 -14), JournalManager.h (+18 -16), JournalManagerImpl.cpp (+163 -34), JournalManagerImpl.h (+15 -15) | |
pavelpar 10/7/03 6:29 PM |
encodeToUTF16 and decodeFromUTF16 added |
26 lines of code changed in: util: StringConverter.cpp (+10), StringConverter.h (+16 -14) | |
pavelpar 10/6/03 8:06 AM |
some small changes |
5 lines of code changed in: storage: DocGroupManagerImpl.cpp (-4), ResourceManagerImpl.cpp (-4), StorageManagerImpl.cpp (+5 -5) | |
pavel_o 10/6/03 12:34 AM |
*** empty log message *** |
76 lines of code changed in: tx: JournalManager.h (+8 -7), JournalManagerImpl.cpp (+57 -50), JournalManagerImpl.h (+11 -7) | |
pavel_o 10/5/03 9:36 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
444 lines of code changed in: tx: JournalFile.cpp (new 118), JournalFile.h (new 101), JournalManager.h (+12 -8), JournalManagerImpl.cpp (+191 -79), JournalManagerImpl.h (+22 -66) | |
pavelpar 10/5/03 6:42 PM |
method convertString added |
21 lines of code changed in: util: StringConverter.cpp (+5), StringConverter.h (+16 -1) | |
xstore_hanz 10/4/03 10:35 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
1230 lines of code changed in: dom: DOMAttr.h (new 88), DOMCDATASection.h (new 44), DOMCharacterData.h (new 97), DOMComment.h (new 29), DOMDocument.h (new 121), DOMDocumentFragment.h (new 45), DOMDocumentType.h (new 51), DOMElement.h (new 105), DOMEntity.h (new 61), DOMEntityReference.h (new 41), DOMException.h (new 35), DOMImplementation.h (new 36), DOMNamedNodeMap.h (new 73), DOMNode.h (new 193), DOMNodeList.h (new 41), DOMNotation.h (new 45), DOMProcessingInstruction.h (new 48), DOMString.h (new 29), DOMText.h (new 48) | |
pavel_o 10/4/03 5:30 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
3 lines of code changed in: storage: CacheManager.h (-6), CacheManagerImpl.cpp (-6), CacheManagerImpl.h (+3 -56) | |
pavel_o 10/4/03 5:13 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
221 lines of code changed in: tx: JournalManager.h (+4), JournalManagerImpl.cpp (new 104), JournalManagerImpl.h (new 113) | |
pavelpar 10/4/03 8:51 AM |
optimization of work with pollable sockets |
46 lines of code changed in: server: NetworkServer.cpp (+39 -14), NetworkServer.h (+7 -1) | |
pavelpar 10/3/03 8:13 PM |
optimization of data passing and bugfixes |
49 lines of code changed in: test/test6.cpp (+28 -15) server: MessageData.cpp (+2 -2), MessageData.h (+2 -2), Socket.cpp (+1 -1) storage: DataFile.h (+5 -2), DataItem.h (+11 -9) | |
pavelpar 10/3/03 5:03 PM |
optimization of passing of data |
29 lines of code changed in: server: MessageData.cpp (+3 -4), MessageData.h (+8 -3), ServerMessage.h (+1 -1), Socket.cpp (+5 -4), ThreadPool.cpp (+6 -6) storage: DataFile.h (+6 -2), StorageManagerImpl.cpp (-6) | |
pavelpar 10/2/03 9:17 PM |
compile time errors fixed |
23 lines of code changed in: storage/DocGroupManagerImpl.cpp (+4 -4), test/test6.cpp (+19 -28) | |
pavel_o 10/2/03 7:30 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
7 lines of code changed in: storage/CacheManagerImpl.cpp (+7 -6) | |
pavel_o 10/2/03 9:15 AM |
*** empty log message *** |
2 lines of code changed in: storage/CacheManagerImpl.cpp (+2 -2) | |
pavelpar 10/2/03 8:26 AM |
lot of parameters to various methods changed from const to normal; comments updates |
204 lines of code changed in: core/MessageQueue.h (+1), test/test5.cpp (+6) storage: DocGroupManager.h (+17 -9), DocGroupManagerImpl.cpp (+5 -5), DocGroupManagerImpl.h (+18 -72), ResourceManager.h (+9 -6), ResourceManagerImpl.cpp (+5 -5), ResourceManagerImpl.h (+12 -69), StorageManager.h (+24 -12), StorageManagerImpl.cpp (+30 -12), StorageManagerImpl.h (+21 -137) tx: RecoveryManager.h (+21 -12), RecoveryManagerImpl.cpp (+12 -12), RecoveryManagerImpl.h (+22 -123), TransactionManagerImpl.h (+1 -17) | |
pavel_o 10/2/03 12:55 AM |
*** empty log message *** |
48 lines of code changed in: storage: CacheManagerImpl.cpp (+46 -19), CacheManagerImpl.h (+2 -1) | |
pavelpar 10/1/03 10:12 PM |
refactoring and optimization |
29 lines of code changed in: storage/StorageManagerImpl.h (+2 -2), util/ConfigManagerImpl.cpp (+1 -1) server: ThreadPool.cpp (+24 -73), ThreadPool.h (+2) | |
pavelpar 10/1/03 9:23 PM |
bugfixes |
40 lines of code changed in: server: NetworkServer.cpp (+17 -9), ServerMessage.h (+2 -2), Socket.cpp (+9 -8), Socket.h (+5 -6), ThreadPool.cpp (+7 -7) | |
pavelpar 10/1/03 7:26 AM |
network server is completed |
63 lines of code changed in: server/main.cpp (+63 -18) | |
pavelpar 9/30/03 8:10 AM |
some changes |
28 lines of code changed in: Makefile (+1 -1), test/Makefile (+27 -5) | |
pavelpar 9/30/03 8:09 AM |
sources for network server and thread pool |
1278 lines of code changed in: server: Makefile (new 26), MessageData.cpp (new 30), MessageData.h (new 40), NetworkServer.cpp (new 221), NetworkServer.h (new 99), ServerMessage.cpp (new 45), ServerMessage.h (new 63), Socket.cpp (new 254), Socket.h (new 102), SocketError.h (new 0), ThreadPool.cpp (new 267), ThreadPool.h (new 67), main.cpp (new 64) | |
pavelpar 9/30/03 7:19 AM |
config variable serverport added |
3 lines of code changed in: test/xstore.conf (+3 -1) | |
pavelpar 9/30/03 7:18 AM |
some bugfixes and blocking of signals in threads |
7 lines of code changed in: storage: DataFile.h (+1), StorageManager.h (+1), StorageManagerImpl.cpp (+2), StorageManagerImpl.h (+1), StorageTypes.h (+2 -12) | |
pavelpar 9/30/03 7:17 AM |
blockSignals added |
14 lines of code changed in: core: Thread.cpp (+9), Thread.h (+5) | |
pavelpar 9/30/03 7:16 AM |
more variables added |
14 lines of code changed in: Makefile (+3 -3), storage/Makefile (+2 -2), test/Makefile (+1 -1), tx/Makefile (+2 -2), util/Makefile (+2 -2) core: Makefile (+2 -2), synch/Makefile (+2 -2) | |
pavelpar 9/30/03 7:12 AM |
hash<uint64_t> moved into this file |
24 lines of code changed in: util/IntUtil.h (new 24) | |
pavelpar 9/24/03 10:09 PM |
recovery manager is implemented (+ some bugfixes) |
139 lines of code changed in: test/xstore.conf (+2), util/ConfigManager.h (+1) tx: JournalManager.h (+1 -1), RecoveryManager.h (+2 -2), RecoveryManagerImpl.cpp (+131 -63), RecoveryManagerImpl.h (+2 -2) | |
pavel_o 9/23/03 11:49 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
35 lines of code changed in: storage: CacheManagerImpl.cpp (+30 -3), CacheManagerImpl.h (+5) | |
pavelpar 9/23/03 10:11 PM |
small change |
1 lines of code changed in: test/ (+1 -1) | |
pavelpar 9/23/03 9:52 PM |
another batch of bugfixes |
19 lines of code changed in: storage: GroupFile.h (-2), StorageManager.h (+1 -1), StorageManagerImpl.cpp (+17 -6), StorageManagerImpl.h (+1 -1) | |
pavelpar 9/23/03 8:47 PM |
transactions will use immediate writes of data to storage from now one |
50 lines of code changed in: tx: JournalManager.h (+21 -70), RecoveryManagerImpl.cpp (+29 -34) | |
pavelpar 9/22/03 10:57 PM |
bug in thread cancellation fixed |
21 lines of code changed in: util/Base64Converter.cpp (-31) core: Thread.cpp (+5), Thread.h (+5), synch/ReadWriteLock.cpp (+1 -1) storage: GroupFile.h (+2 -2), StorageManagerImpl.cpp (+8) | |
pavelpar 9/22/03 10:15 PM |
some bugfixes |
0 lines of code changed in: storage: DataFile.h (-2), GroupFile.h (-2), StorageManagerImpl.cpp (-2) | |
pavel_o 9/22/03 10:14 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
2 lines of code changed in: storage/CacheManagerImpl.cpp (+2) | |
pavelpar 9/22/03 9:53 PM |
bugfixes as a result of testing of storage manager |
54 lines of code changed in: test/test6.cpp (+5 -1) storage: DataFile.h (+2), StorageManager.h (+1 -1), StorageManagerImpl.cpp (+45 -35), StorageManagerImpl.h (+1 -1) | |
pavelpar 9/22/03 8:27 PM |
behavior of recovery manager and journal manager redesigned |
28 lines of code changed in: tx: JournalManager.h (+14 -65), RecoveryManagerImpl.cpp (+14 -21) | |
pavelpar 9/22/03 5:56 PM |
implementation of RecoveryManager added |
373 lines of code changed in: tx: RecoveryManagerImpl.cpp (new 192), RecoveryManagerImpl.h (new 181) | |
pavelpar 9/22/03 7:30 AM |
small redesing of transaction processing |
78 lines of code changed in: tx: JournalManager.h (+39 -33), RecoveryManager.h (+30 -3), TransactionManagerImpl.cpp (+6 -4), TransactionManagerImpl.h (+3 -1) | |
pavel_o 9/22/03 12:48 AM |
*** empty log message *** |
38 lines of code changed in: storage/CacheManagerImpl.cpp (+38 -26) | |
pavelpar 9/21/03 6:44 PM |
some small changes involving transactions |
14 lines of code changed in: tx: RecoveryManager.h (+2 -2), TransactionManagerImpl.cpp (+10), TransactionManagerImpl.h (+2) | |
pavelpar 9/21/03 3:24 PM |
implementation of transaction manager almost completed |
131 lines of code changed in: Makefile (+1 -1), xstore.cpp (+3), xstore.h (+5), storage/StorageManagerImpl.cpp (+2), test/Makefile (+6 -2) tx: Makefile (new 41), Transaction.cpp (-1), TransactionManager.h (+1), TransactionManagerImpl.cpp (+64 -23), TransactionManagerImpl.h (+8) | |
pavelpar 9/21/03 12:04 PM |
fixed some bugs in threads |
20 lines of code changed in: core: Thread.cpp (+5 -3), Thread.h (+1), ThreadGroup.cpp (+2), ThreadManagerImpl.h (+1 -1) test: (+1), test7.cpp (+10 -4) | |
pavelpar 9/21/03 10:54 AM |
test program for thread manager and message queue added |
68 lines of code changed in: core: Thread.cpp (+5), Thread.h (+5), ThreadGroup.cpp (+11), ThreadGroup.h (+7 -1), ThreadManager.h (+6), ThreadManagerImpl.cpp (+21), ThreadManagerImpl.h (+6), synch/CondVar.h (+2 -2) test: test6.cpp (+1), test7.cpp (new 4) | |
pavelpar 9/20/03 11:35 PM |
work on transaction processing began |
301 lines of code changed in: test/test6.cpp (+2 -2) storage: DocGroupManager.h (+17 -14), DocGroupManagerImpl.cpp (+13 -13), DocGroupManagerImpl.h (+13 -13), ResourceManager.h (+13 -9), ResourceManagerImpl.cpp (+9 -9), ResourceManagerImpl.h (+9 -9) tx: RecoveryManager.h (+27 -27), Transaction.cpp (new 29), Transaction.h (new 44), TransactionManager.h (+11 -5), TransactionManagerImpl.cpp (new 56), TransactionManagerImpl.h (new 56), TxTypes.h (+2 -2) | |
pavel_o 9/20/03 10:33 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
537 lines of code changed in: storage: CacheManagerImpl.cpp (+505 -329), CacheManagerImpl.h (+23 -6), CachedBlock.cpp (+7 -21), CachedBlock.h (+2 -13) | |
pavelpar 9/20/03 11:32 AM |
debugging changes |
0 lines of code changed in: storage/CacheManagerImpl.cpp (-2) | |
pavelpar 9/20/03 11:31 AM |
changes due to debugging |
20 lines of code changed in: storage: CacheManagerImpl.cpp (+2), DataFile.h (+1 -13), GroupFile.h (+2 -5), StorageManagerImpl.cpp (+15) | |
pavel_o 9/19/03 11:51 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
18 lines of code changed in: storage/CacheManagerImpl.cpp (+18 -21) | |
pavelpar 9/19/03 8:44 PM |
some small changes during testing |
2 lines of code changed in: test/test6.cpp (+2 -18) | |
pavelpar 9/19/03 7:58 PM |
changes due to intensive testing |
77 lines of code changed in: test/test6.cpp (+17) storage: DataFile.h (+45 -12), GroupFile.h (+11 -6), StorageManagerImpl.cpp (+4 -2) | |
pavelpar 9/19/03 5:46 PM |
exception specifications updated |
197 lines of code changed in: storage: DataFile.h (+57 -49), GroupFile.h (+37 -30), StorageManager.h (+29 -24), StorageManagerImpl.cpp (+47 -36), StorageManagerImpl.h (+27 -27) | |
pavel_o 9/19/03 5:20 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
35 lines of code changed in: storage: CacheManager.h (+13 -12), CacheManagerImpl.cpp (+11 -11), CacheManagerImpl.h (+11 -11) | |
pavel_o 9/19/03 4:36 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
37 lines of code changed in: storage/CacheManagerImpl.cpp (+37 -31) | |
pavelpar 9/18/03 10:44 PM |
test program for storage system completed |
260 lines of code changed in: test: Makefile (+1 -1), test6.cpp (+259 -5) | |
pavelpar 9/18/03 7:06 PM |
commenting out D_P in Base64Converter |
18 lines of code changed in: util: Base64Converter.cpp (+17 -17), debug.h (+1 -1) | |
pavelpar 9/18/03 6:44 PM |
datadir moved from src/data to data |
1 lines of code changed in: test/xstore.conf (+1 -1) | |
pavelpar 9/16/03 11:23 PM |
fixed some bugs in storage system |
63 lines of code changed in: storage: CacheManagerImpl.cpp (+5 -4), GroupFile.h (+31), StorageManager.h (+2 -2), StorageManagerImpl.cpp (+17 -16), StorageManagerImpl.h (+2 -2) test: (+1 -1), test6.cpp (+5 -1) | |
pavelpar 9/16/03 8:26 PM |
small changes to classes in storage system (mostly bugfixes) |
143 lines of code changed in: storage: CacheManagerImpl.cpp (+30 -16), StorageManagerImpl.cpp (+16 -16) test: Makefile (+1 -1), install.cpp (+48), test6.cpp (+48 -14) | |
pavelpar 9/15/03 8:37 PM |
createFile and createDir added to CacheManager some bugs fixed in StorageManager |
101 lines of code changed in: util/ABTree.h (+4 -5) storage: CacheManager.h (+14 -1), CacheManagerImpl.cpp (+23 -2), CacheManagerImpl.h (+14 -1), DataFile.h (+28), StorageManagerImpl.cpp (+18 -8) | |
pavelpar 9/14/03 8:22 PM |
more bugs fixed |
8 lines of code changed in: storage: DataFile.h (+1 -1), GroupFile.h (+4 -4), StorageManagerImpl.cpp (+3 -2) | |
pavelpar 9/14/03 6:41 PM |
make install is supported now |
2 lines of code changed in: test: install.cpp (+2 -1), (-1) | |
pavelpar 9/14/03 6:34 PM |
Installation program added |
103 lines of code changed in: storage/CacheManagerImpl.cpp (+1 -1) test: Makefile (+3 -3), install.cpp (new 98), (+1) | |
pavelpar 9/14/03 5:46 PM |
rewrite of test programs in order to make them follow one convention of message printing; some bugs fixed |
179 lines of code changed in: storage/CacheManagerImpl.cpp (+2 -2) test: (+1), test.h (+24 -9), test1.cpp (+2 -6), test3.cpp (+36 -36), test4.cpp (+4 -4), test5.cpp (+89 -12), test6.cpp (new 14) util: Base64Converter.cpp (+6 -1), LogManager.cpp (+1 -1) | |
pavelpar 9/14/03 1:54 PM |
some files added and lot of bugs fixed |
268 lines of code changed in: xstore.cpp (+6 -3), xstore.h (+3 -1), core/ThreadManagerImpl.cpp (+4 -1) core/synch: CondVar.cpp (+5 -3), Lock.cpp (+3 -2), RecursiveLock.cpp (+3 -2) test: Makefile (+2 -2), (+2 -1), test4.cpp (+10 -1), test5.cpp (new 12), xstore.conf (+2) util: Base64Converter.cpp (+59 -19), Base64Converter.h (+8 -6), ConfigManager.h (+1), ConfigManagerImpl.cpp (+2 -1), LogManager.cpp (+90 -28), LogManager.h (+17 -1), debug.h (new 39) | |
pavelpar 9/13/03 10:54 AM |
added initialization of maintenance thread for storage system |
21 lines of code changed in: xstore.cpp (+16 -6), xstore.h (+5) | |
pavelpar 9/11/03 10:41 PM |
some tests updated |
16 lines of code changed in: test: test3.cpp (+16), test4.cpp (-2) | |
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