Summary Period: 2003-07-25 to 2004-05-12
239 (6.6%)
12716 (11.3%)
Module | Changes | Lines of code | Lines each change |
xclient/ | 36 (15.0%) | 4862 (38.2%) | 135 |
tx/ | 121 (50.6%) | 4721 (37.1%) | 39 |
storage/ | 55 (23.0%) | 2919 (22.9%) | 53 |
xclient/images/ | 26 (10.8%) | 213 (1.6%) | 8 |
test/ | 1 (0.4%) | 1 (0.0%) | 1 |
Sum | 239 (100%) | 12716 (100%) | 53 |
pavel_o 5/12/04 11:28 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
330 lines of code changed in: xclient: Client.cpp (+238 -222), Client.h (+27 -14), Makefile (+1 -1), connectform.ui.h (+1 -8), docstoreform.ui.h (+1 -1), mainform.ui (+1), mainform.ui.h (+61 -7) | |
pavel_o 5/6/04 7:45 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
16 lines of code changed in: xclient/Client.cpp (+16 -16) | |
pavel_o 5/6/04 7:20 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
4 lines of code changed in: xclient/mainform.ui.h (+4 -2) | |
pavel_o 5/6/04 1:42 AM |
*** empty log message *** |
73 lines of code changed in: xclient: mainform.ui (+63), mainform.ui.h (+10 -5) | |
pavel_o 5/3/04 9:30 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
4652 lines of code changed in: xclient: Client.cpp (new 560), Client.h (new 134), Connection.cpp (new 71), Connection.h (new 97), Makefile (new 357), adminselectform.ui (new 110), adminselectform.ui.h (new 14), connectform.ui (new 204), connectform.ui.h (new 114), connprefform.ui (new 276), connprefform.ui.h (new 28), docremoveform.ui (new 183), docremoveform.ui.h (new 19), docstoreform.ui (new 297), docstoreform.ui.h (new 51), grpcreateform.ui (new 183), grpcreateform.ui.h (new 20), grpremoveform.ui (new 191), grpremoveform.ui.h (new 19), main.cpp (new 16), mainform.ui (new 1055), mainform.ui.h (new 352), xclient.cpp (new 14), xclient.h (new 27), (new 47) xclient/images: ark_adddir.png (new 7), ark_addfile.png (new 12), ark_delete.png (new 10), ark_extract.png (new 9), ark_selectall.png (new 5), ark_view.png (new 6), button_accept.png (new 10), button_cancel.png (new 6), button_ok.png (new 11), connect_established.png (new 5), editcopy (new 6), editcut (new 8), editpaste (new 7), exit.png (new 10), filenew (new 5), fileopen (new 8), filesave (new 5), gtk-find-and-replace.png (new 14), gtk-find.png (new 14), print (new 6), redo (new 9), searchfind (new 7), stop.png (new 11), undo (new 5), viewmag+.png (new 9), viewmag-.png (new 8) | |
pavel_o 3/27/04 8:04 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
16 lines of code changed in: storage/CacheManagerImpl.cpp (+16 -4) | |
pavel_o 3/18/04 6:35 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
1 lines of code changed in: tx: JournalFile.cpp (+1 -1), JournalManagerImpl.cpp (-1) | |
pavel_o 3/17/04 12:06 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
28 lines of code changed in: tx: JournalFile.cpp (+13 -13), JournalManagerImpl.cpp (+1), RecoveryManagerImpl.cpp (+14 -14) | |
pavel_o 3/16/04 11:44 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
115 lines of code changed in: tx: JournalFile.cpp (+90 -84), JournalFile.h (+13 -12), JournalManagerImpl.cpp (+6 -6), JournalManagerImpl.h (+6 -6) | |
pavel_o 3/16/04 6:19 PM |
*** empty log message *** |
11 lines of code changed in: tx/JournalManagerImpl.cpp (+11 -11) | |
Generated by StatCvs v0.1.3