User statistics for martinnec

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Summary Period: 2003-11-30 to 2004-05-10

Total Changes

467 (13.0%)

Lines Of Code

22084 (19.6%)


ModuleChangesLines of codeLines each change
documents/ 340 (72.8%) 12648 (57.2%) 37
test/ 65 (13.9%) 6697 (30.3%) 103
documents/obsoleted/ 5 (1.0%) 927 (4.1%) 185
xpath/objectmodel/ 14 (2.9%) 695 (3.1%) 49
dom/ 14 (2.9%) 688 (3.1%) 49
storage/ 7 (1.4%) 256 (1.1%) 36
xpath/ 19 (4.0%) 143 (0.6%) 7
util/ 1 (0.2%) 16 (0.0%) 16
/ 2 (0.4%) 14 (0.0%) 7
Sum 467 (100%) 22084 (100%) 47

Most Recent Commits

5/10/04 7:27 PM
*** empty log message ***
18 lines of code changed in:
dom: DOMSerializer.cpp (+17 -8), DOMSerializer.h (+1 -1)

5/9/04 10:26 PM
*** empty log message ***
433 lines of code changed in:
documents: DataGuide.cpp (+20 -107), DataGuide.h (+110 -207), DataGuideManager.h (+30 -31), Makefile (+1 -1), pathinfo.cpp (new 174), pathinfo.h (new 98)

5/9/04 9:42 PM
*** empty log message ***
297 lines of code changed in:
test/testInteractiveDOM.cpp (new 297)

5/8/04 11:53 PM
Serializer of DOM nodes
231 lines of code changed in:
dom: DOMSerializer.cpp (new 152), DOMSerializer.h (new 79)

5/8/04 2:23 PM
/self::node() fix
159 lines of code changed in:
documents: DataGuide.cpp (+139 -63), DataGuide.h (+20)

5/5/04 6:39 PM
Test for DOM classes
272 lines of code changed in:
test/testDOM.cpp (new 272)

5/4/04 2:27 PM
*** empty log message ***
47 lines of code changed in:
documents: DataGuide.cpp (+15 -2), DataGuide.h (+9), DataGuideManager.h (+23 -25)

4/30/04 11:09 AM
*** empty log message ***
307 lines of code changed in:
dom: DOMElement.cpp (+114 -2), DOMElement.h (+38 -15), DOMElement_P.cpp (+1 -1), DOMElement_P.h (+21), DOMNamedNodeMap.cpp (+8 -13), DOMNamedNodeMap.h (+23 -14), DOMNodeList.cpp (+53 -2), DOMNodeList.h (+49 -3)

4/30/04 9:19 AM
DOMNamedNodeMap implemented
132 lines of code changed in:
dom: DOMNamedNodeMap.cpp (+93 -2), DOMNamedNodeMap.h (+39 -7)

4/29/04 11:18 AM
order command added
66 lines of code changed in:
test/testInteractive.cpp (+66 -7)

Generated by StatCvs v0.1.3