User statistics for xstoremartin

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Summary Period: 2003-11-23 to 2004-05-12

Total Changes

124 (3.4%)

Lines Of Code

2701 (2.4%)


ModuleChangesLines of codeLines each change
client/ 98 (79.0%) 2031 (75.1%) 20
client/php/ 16 (12.9%) 299 (11.0%) 18
xpath/ 5 (4.0%) 231 (8.5%) 46
util/ 5 (4.0%) 140 (5.1%) 28
Sum 124 (100%) 2701 (100%) 21

Most Recent Commits

5/12/04 11:52 PM
Network bugfix
107 lines of code changed in:
client: Client.cpp (+14 -1), Client.hpp (+2), NetworkSocket.cpp (+11 -14), ReportError.cpp (+54 -2), ReportError.h (+4 -4), module.cpp (+14 -19)
client/php: comm_send.php (+1), connect.php (+7 -7)

5/11/04 6:47 PM
Many changes: exception handling, deleted namespaces... etc
258 lines of code changed in:
client: Client.cpp (+49 -36), Client.hpp (+9 -10), Makefile (+16 -12), Message.cpp (+1 -1), Message.h (+3 -3), MessageData.cpp (+11 -2), MessageData.h (+12 -5), NetworkSocket.cpp (+9 -12), NetworkSocket.hpp (+3 -3), ReportError.cpp (+48 -29), ReportError.h (+21 -36), module.cpp (+62 -92), module.h (+3 -3)
client/php: comm_send.php (+9 -6), connect.php (+2)

5/10/04 1:16 PM
More C++ / C conversion macros added.
21 lines of code changed in:
client: module.cpp (+21 -7), module.h (-5)

5/10/04 3:13 AM
More documentation added, minor code changes. Extern "C" macros added, to ensure
C/C++ compactibility but it still doesn't work :-/
104 lines of code changed in:
client: Client.cpp (+15 -2), Client.hpp (+13 -2), Makefile (+1), Message.h (+35 -7), MessageData.cpp (+1 -1), MessageData.h (+3 -2), MessageTypes.h (+3 -1), NetworkSocket.cpp (+1 -14), NetworkSocket.hpp (-8), ReportError.cpp (+4 -4), ReportError.h (+15 -2), module.cpp (+9 -2), module.h (+4 -1)

5/10/04 3:04 AM
Some more helping text added.
NodeSet XML parsing, identing and xml syntax highlighting added.
75 lines of code changed in:
client/php: comm_send.php (+50 -9), connect.php (+17 -17), login.php (+8 -5)

5/9/04 1:40 PM
Install branch added
4 lines of code changed in:
client/Makefile (+4 -2)

5/8/04 6:10 PM
*** empty log message ***
69 lines of code changed in:
client: Client.cpp (+30 -38), Makefile (new 30), NetworkSocket.cpp (+7 -6), module.cpp (+1 -4), php/comm_send.php (+1 -1)

5/7/04 11:17 AM
*** empty log message ***
89 lines of code changed in:
client: MessageData.cpp (new 37), MessageData.h (new 52)

5/7/04 11:16 AM
Almost done. I've started debugging module.
php source in devel.
107 lines of code changed in:
client: Client.cpp (+73 -14), Client.hpp (+6), Message.cpp (-1), module.cpp (+22 -30), module.h (+3 -5)
client/php: comm_send.php (+2 -3), login.php (+1 -4)

5/6/04 4:33 PM
Many minor changes...
181 lines of code changed in:
client: Client.cpp (+50 -34), Client.hpp (+23 -35), Message.cpp (+76 -13), NetworkSocket.cpp (+1 -1), NetworkSocket.hpp (+2 -2), ReportError.cpp (+9 -4), ReportError.h (+3 -3), module.cpp (+10 -7), module.h (+7 -1), php/comm_send.php (-2)

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